Value-Added Resale
Resale Solutions for All Your DDI Needs
Explore the vast array of DDI OEM products, supported by our extensive knowledge, available pricing options, and unmatched responsiveness. With PCN, find the perfect fit for your network's budget and requirements.
Discover the ideal DDI solution for your network with PCN’s expert guidance.
Why Choose PCN’s VAR Services?
simplify procurement
Bundle your product procurement with PCN’s expert installation, training, and support services for a comprehensive end-to-end solution.
Tailored solutions
Combine PCN’s product expertise with our in-depth understanding of your needs to ensure the solution effectively addresses your specific challenges.
Relationship with oems
Get the full value of your investment by having a PCN product expert who knows and cares about you act as your intermediary with manufacturers throughout the product lifecycle.
Our Range of DDI Products
Products from Leading DDI OEMs
We offer an extensive selection of products from leading DDI OEMs, ensuring you have access to the best in the market. Our team's in-depth understanding of these products ensures you receive knowledgeable guidance in making your selection.
VAR Services for Enhanced MDDI
Beyond just resale, we offer additional services that truly add value to your DDI investment.

Elevate Your DDI Management Today
Connect with PCN for a comprehensive resale experience that goes beyond just products, offering support and value every step of the way.